Lorie Wu - CEO of Reset Your Mind 1111

I am Lorie Wu , CEO of Reset Your Mind 11111 and Your Breakthrough Intuitive NLP Mindset Master Coach, Powerful MindShifter and Quantum Manifestor helping stressed out frustrated professional women wanting more out of life to live confidently with passion and purpose so they can manifest their dreams into reality and live abundantly.

I honestly believe we are all here for a purpose, have unique gifts to share, and are meant to be more, do more, and have more. But what happens? We feel stuck, we let our past define us, we let negative emotions and limiting beliefs hold us back from creating a life beyond our wildest dreams, we stress, worry, overthink, procrastinate, make ourselves sick, self sabotage, and we think we have to settle and live an unhappy and unfulfilled life.

I don’t know about you but I was taught to,go to school, get good grades and get a job. Yeah How’s that working for us now? As a recovering people pleaser I did what my mom wanted me to do which was study Pharmacy as my dad shut me down from studying psychology. Life had other plans for me and I ended up falsely accused taking a 1 year suspension for something I didn’t do and a student loan of $100,000 with not being able to finish grad school for a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. I do have a BS in Pharmacology and worked my way up as a retail pharmacy technician just to be set up to be fired after 9 and a half years for speaking my truth. Then I found myself killing my self working 2 jobs from 6am to 10pm not even making what I was at the 1 job. So I found myself overworked, underpaid and under-appreciated for my time. It got so bad I remember hearing an inner voice telling me if I don’t quit my jobs either someone else is going to get hurt or I am going to hurt myself. So I literally quit both jobs not knowing what I was going to do trusting and having faith that God had a better plan for me. This was 2012 and I made a promise to myself I would never again put myself in a position where I was told what to do, when I could eat, when I could take a break, when I could go on a vacation, all while making very little pay and being treated like dirt. I went on to be a solopreneur helping people and businesses with affordable legal and identity theft services for 12 years which just recently ended.

When Covid hit I took a purposeful pause as I was overthinking, procrastinating, not feeling as motivated and was feeling like something was wrong with me. I lost my oldest aunt and realized my mom was holding on to anger, resentment, and frustration towards my aunts husband who had past years prior and it explained why she had so many health issues. I discovered a success breakthrough event that changed my life as it led me to getting master certified in NLP, TimeLineTherapy, and Hypnotherapy giving me invaluable tools to let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs, resolve inner conflict, deal with anxiety, and stop overthinking so much. I went through my own personal breakthrough as well as helping others have breakthroughs it also gave me a better understanding of how important it is to do things aligned with your values and that holding on to negative emotions and limiting beliefs along with stress and worry can ultimately kill you. When I lost my mom in July 2021 after watching her deal with an ulcer, Hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis, gallstones, diabetes, a staph infection that went septic to multiple falls, it fueled me to launch my coaching business Reset Your Mind 1111.

More than ever I wanted to let people know that they didn’t have to settle and stay stuck, that there is alternative holistic ways to heal and that there really is so much more to life. From my parents getting divorced after 27 yrs and my dad disowning me over money shortly after to having a brother was screwed up on doing meth, drinking, smoking and eating poorly to seeing him at 53 having multiple health issues as that of a 70 yrs old. To also being taken advantage of multiple times as I was too giving and generous and people,saw my kindness as a weakness to losing friends and realizing who my friends really are.

All I can say is Thank God for the people who genuinely do care and are still there for me. My secret super power is manifesting and I was told by a medium that I had the gift of being a Healer.I know I am an empath and a light worker and now an energy healer.and am meant to help people reset their mind body and soul so they can live confidently with passion and purpose, manifest their dreams into reality, and live abundantly in all areas of their life with love and peace and joy.

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