Peri-Menopausal Hormones & Nutrition

Peri-Menopausal Hormones & Nutrition

Let's talk about peri-menopause! We'll explore WTH is happening with your hormones and how personalised nutrition can support the transition

Date and time

Wed, 30 Oct 2024 11:00 - 11:30 PDT



About this event

Join me for this interactive discussion on nourishing hormonal health with personalised nutrition and functional medicine.

I'll speak for around 15 minutes (with no marketing!), leaving time after for Q&A.

Bring your questions!

PS - The session will begin promptly at 7:00pm (Geneva-time) with only a very brief intro. Your punctuality is kindly requested, thank you!

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On Sale 9 Oct 2024 at 00:00